viernes, 24 de junio de 2022

Usai Bertemu AHY, Prabowo: Seribu Kawan Terlalu Sedikit y 9 noticias más | Youtube Videos

Usai Bertemu AHY, Prabowo: Seribu Kawan Terlalu Sedikit y 9 noticias más | Youtube Videos

Usai Bertemu AHY, Prabowo: Seribu Kawan Terlalu Sedikit

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 08:48 AM PDT

Diperlukan kerja sama dari berbagai pihak untuk membangun negeri ini.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Partai Gerindra membuka jalur komunikasi politik dengan Partai Demokrat. Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto mengatakan, dalam membangun negeri diperlukan kerja sama dari berbagai pihak.

“Saya sampaikan prinsip saya sebagai pimpinan Gerindra. Prinsip Gerindra adalah 1.000 kawan terlalu sedikit sehingga kita ingin menjalin komunikasi kita ingin merintis kerja sama dengan sebanyak mungkin pihak sama-sama kita harus bekerja keras untuk mencari solusi-solusi terbaik pada kesulitan yang masih dihadapi bangsa Indonesia,” kata Prabowo di kediamannya di Kertanegara IV, Jakarta, Jumat (24/6/2022).

Prabowo mengatakan, Partai Gerindra dan Partai Demokrat memiliki kesamaan ideologis dan visi. Apalagi, keduanya juga pernah menjalin kerja sama.

“Kita punya banyak persamaan ideologis, persamaan visi. Kita sama-sama sangat komit, sangat berpegang teguh pada Pancasila UUD 1945 NKRI Bhineka Tunggal unggal Ika. Karena itu, kita sepakat untuk terus melanjutkan komunikasi ini dengan sebaik-baiknya,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) menyambut baik pertemuan tersebut. AHY ingin komunikasi politik dengan Partai Gerindra terus terjalin.

“Yang jelas kita ingin terus membangun komunikasi baik. Tadi disampaikan beliau selalu ada ruang bekerjasama apalagi kalau tujuannya menghadirkan solusi baik untuk negeri ini,” ungkapnya.

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Polisi Temukan Anak yang Diduga Diculik di Stasiun Manggarai

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 06:51 AM PDT

Anak itu yang diduga dibawa pelaku di Manggarai ditemukan di Kalibata.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Polsek Tebet Jakarta Selatan menemukan dugaan percobaan penculikan anak berusia empat tahun oleh seorang pelaku laki-laki berinisial GN di Stasiun Manggarai, Kamis (23/6/2022). “Pelaku adalah baru kenal dengan ibu korban baru setahun via media sosial. Keduanya ada bisnis jual beli telepon seluler (ponsel),” kata Kapolsek Tebet Kompol Chitya Intania di Jakarta, Jumat (24/6/2022).

Ia menjelaskan, pada Kamis pukul 13.15 WIB, ibu korban, Erna, membuat janji dengan pelaku di stasiun kereta Bogor. Namun, pelaku mengarahkan turun di Stasiun Manggarai-Tebet dengan tujuan Sholat Dzuhur terlebih dahulu.

Kemudian, saat Erna shalat, lalu menitipkan tas ke pelaku yang berisi dua ponsel dan uang Rp500 ribu. Namun saat selesai, Erna menemukan anak dan pelaku sudah tidak ada.

Setelah berkeliling tidak bertemu, Erna langsung melaporkan ke pihak stasiun dan berlanjut ke Polsek Tebet Jakarta Selatan. Tak berlangsung lama sejak dua jam setelah laporan, Polsek Tebet langsung menemukan sang anak di tempat bermain Fun World melalui informasi yang diberikan Plaza Kalibata.

“Kemudian kita temukan, anak itu ternyata benar. Ibunya menyatakan itu benar adalah anaknya,” katanya.

Polisi bersyukur sang anak tidak mengalami kekerasan fisik dan pihaknya terus melakukan penyelidikan kasus itu. Chitya berharap agar kejadian ini tidak terulang lagi dan para orangtua harus selalu waspada dalam menjaga anak.

sumber : Antara

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Satgas Dinas PUPR Depok Normalisasi Kali Krukut

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 04:58 AM PDT

Normalisasi dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan penyerapan air.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK — Satgas Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang (PUPR) Kota Depok melakukan normalisasi Kali Krukut yang berada di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas, Kecamatan Pancoran Mas. Upaya ini dilakukan agar fungsi penyerapan air bisa lebih maksimal sehingga dapat mencegah banjir saat musim penghujan.

“Kami normalisasi Kali Krukut yang berada di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas untuk memaksimalkan penyerapan air. Karena aliran kali ini sudah sangat dangkal akibat tumpukan sedimen lumpur dan batu-batu,” ujar Kepala Dinas PUPR Kota Depok Citra Indah Yulianty di Kantor Dinas PUPR Kota Depok, Jumat (24/6/2022).

Menurut Citra, pengerjaan mulai dilakukan sejak Senin (20/06/2022) dan masih berlanjut hingga Jumat (24/06/2022). Pihaknya juga mengirimkan satu alat berat berupa amphibi dozan pc 35.

“Sudah dikerjakan sejak Senin lalu. Rencananya, masih terus berlanjut dan tidak ada target. Saat ini yang sudah dikerjakan sepanjang 300 meter dan kemungkinan akan terus bertambah," jelasnya.

Dia berharap, upaya ini bisa mencegah terjadinya banjir, terutama saat musim hujan. Dia juga meminta warga untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan.

“Kebersihan harus dijaga bersama. Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Depok tidak bisa bekerja sendiri. Mudah-mudahan upaya normalisasi ini bisa memaksimalkan fungsi penyerapan dan aliran air menuju hilir,” ujar Citra. 

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PDIP Berpeluang Gabung ke KIB daripada ke Gerindra-PKB

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:54 AM PDT

Capres dari PDIP akan lebih mudah diterima di koalisi KIB daripada di Gerindra-PKB.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — PDIP menegaskan sulit bagi mereka berkoalisi dengan PKS dan Partai Demokrat di Pilpres 2024 mendatang. Mengomentari soal itu, pengamat komunikasi politik dari Universitas Esa Unggul, Jamiluddin Ritonga, menilai PDIP cocok berkoalisi dengan Golkar, PPP, PAN, Gerindra, dan PKB layak berkoalisi dengan PDIP. Hanya saja, partai-partai tersebut sudah merintis membentuk koalisi.

“Golkar, PPP, dan PAN sudah membentuk koalisi (KIB), termasuk Gerindra dan PKB. Karena itu, PDIP dapat memilih bergabung dengan koalisi partai yang mana,” kata Jamiludin, Jumat (24/6/2022).

Dari dua koalisi tersebut, Jamiluddin memandang peluang berkoalisi dengan Golkar, PPP, dan PAN akan lebih mudah bagi PDIP. Sebab, peluang mengajukan capres dari PDIP lebih besar diterima. Artinya dalam koalisi ini tidak ada capres yang menonjol.

Sedangkan jika berkoalisi dengan Gerindra dan PKB, maka peluang PDIP mengusung capres relatif kecil. Sebab dalam koalisi ini ada Prabowo Subianto yang memiliki elektabilitas tinggi sehingga peluangnya untuk dijadikan cawapres sangat kecil.

“Jadi, dari persoalan tersebut, PDIP tampaknya akan lebih nyaman mengusung pasangan capres-cawapres sendiri. Walaupun pilihan ini akan membuat peluang menang relatif kecil,” ucap mantan dekan FIKOM IISIP Jakarta tersebut.

Namun demikian, ia menilai PDIP dipastikan akan berkoalisi dalam mengusung capres pada Pilpres 2024 mendatang. Meskipun PDIP dapat mengusung pasangan capres-cawapres sendiri, namun jika PDIP melakukan itu maka peluang untuk menang relatif kecil.

“Apalagi kalau pasangan capres-cawapresnya yang diusung semuanya dari PDIP. Karena itu, PDIP perlu berkoalisi dalam mengusung pasangan capres-cawapres,” kata dia.

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Vaksinasi PMK Ternak Butuh Tambahan Tenaga Kesehatan

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 11:50 PM PDT

Kementan mengatakan vaksinasi PMK ternak membutuhan tambahan tenaga kesehatan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Vaksinasi massal penyakit mulut dan kuku (PMK) telah dimulai. Namun, tenaga kesehatan hewan yang tersedia masih membutuhkan tambahan untuk bisa mempercepat penyuntikan.

Direktur Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Kementerian Pertanian, Nasrullah, mengatakan, sejauh ini tenaga yang tersedia baru sebanyak 23.368 orang. Itu terdiri dari doker hewan, para medis veteriner, inseminator dan petugas lainny diluar dokter hewan.

“Tenaga sebanyak 23 ribu orang ini kalau kita lihat masih diperlukan intervensi tambahan. Potensi-potensi yang ada di luar ini adalah potensi perguruan tinggi,” kata Nasrullah dalam Rapat Koordinasi Penanganan Wabah PMK secara virtual, Jumat (24/6/2022).

Nasrullah mengatkan, tenaga tambahan yang bisa dilibatkan bisa berasal dari mahasiswa kedokteran hewan atau peternakan yang sudah memasuki tingkat akhir. Opsi itu, menurutnya, sangat memungkinkan untuk ditempuh demi mempercepat vaksinasi massal ternak.

“Di dinas ada program kampus merdeka belajar, kita bisa membicarakan hal ini dan tentu asosiasi profesi lainnya dengan sejumlah SDM bisa kita pakai untuk mengereyoko pekerjaan ini,” katanya menambahkan.

Ia menambahkan, seluruh standar operasional terkait vaksinasi telah dibuat secara detail dan sudah disosialisasikan hingga ke tingkat daerah. Selanjutnya, daerah masing-masing dapat mengembangkan sendiri strategi dalam mendukung vaksinasi.

Adapun hingga saat ini, Kementan menyampaikan sebanyak 3 juta dosis vaksin PMK impor asal Perancis telah tiba di Indonesia. Hingga Jumat (24/6/2022), sebanyak 655.100 dosis telah didistribusikan ke 19 provinsi. Selanjutnya penjadwalan vaksinasi dimulai Sabtu (25/6/2022), hingga Kamis (7/7/2022) mendatang.

Namun, ia meyakini penyuntikan vaksin diharapkan bisa rampung pada akhir Juni ini. Kementan, kata Nasrullah, juga telah berkoordinasi dengan seluruh pemerintah kota/kabupaten untuk memastikan kesanggupan menyelesaikan vaksinasi sesuai waktu yang ditetapkan.

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Ex Grab exec launches Philippine grocery-delivery startup Supah

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 10:59 PM PDT

Social commerce startup SariSuki has introduced a new rapid grocery delivery service called Supah that delivers groceries across select parts of Metro Manila.

During a media round table in Pasig City on Wednesday, SariSuki Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Brian P. Cu said that Supah offers a delivery service for grocery items such as snacks, condiments, beverages, fresh produce, and dry and frozen goods within 15 minutes.

Supah's delivery services are currently available in Makati City, Bonifacio Global City in Taguig, Pasig City, Mandaluyong City, San Juan City, Binondo district in City of Manila, and both New Manila and Timog areas of Quezon City.

"Our business puts tremendous value on our customers' time and needs. We see doing the grocery as effortless, time-saving and economical, while still making it possible to attend to other things. Thanks to our efficient ecosystem of suppliers, vendors and riders, we are able to fulfill this commitment without a delivery fee," Mr. Cu said.

Supah currently has eight "dark stores" where the goods are stored, and over 100 riders that cater close to 5 million people, and categorizes under quick commerce.

Mr. Cu, a former president of Grab Philippines, said that Supah has been "quietly tested" since March over certain areas and has garnered a positive response, adding that the company raised around $11 million last year to fund the new venture.

"When we first started it, no one thinks they need 15 groceries until they get groceries in 15 minutes, sometimes even a little bit less. The goal of Supah is [to] help reduce the time used up by today's busy consumers in going to the supermarket, and in spending time away from the other activities that they can use with the time that they have," Mr. Cu said.

Lance Y. Gokongwei, JG Summit Holdings, Inc. president and chief executive, said that the company can help Supah by making products from its Universal Robina Corp. (URC) more accessible.

JG Summit's corporate venture capital, JG Digital Equity Ventures (JGDEV), is an investor in SariSuki. Mr. Gokongwei is also a board director of SariSuki.

"I think my role really is to advise and provide some experience that I can share. As far as the JG Summit resource, of course, our ecosystem, we want to help as much as possible in terms of making products, for instance, from URC as accessible as possible to the company," Mr. Gokongwei said.

"Supah offers great potential as it tries to address the consumers' evolving needs in grocery shopping by finding the optimal balance among several critical factors like speed, assortment, value, and convenience. This innovative technology will help shape the future of grocery shopping in the country," he added.

Moving forward, Mr. Cu said that the company seeks to expand, saying that 40 dark stores is enough to cover the entirety of Metro Manila.

"We're looking at expansion. But we want to prove (there's) enough demand in the existing stores that we have now before we start investing in expansion," Mr. Cu said.

"To cover the entire Metro Manila in 15 minutes, we need to have 40 dark stores. But we're not saying that we're going to go to 40 next year," he added.

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Amazon has a plan to make Alexa mimic anyone’s voice

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 10:58 PM PDT

Amazon is planning to come up with a way that will help Alexa voice assistant users to speak to their family members, even after they've died.

As per TechCrunch, the online retailer announced its plan about developing a system to let Alexa mimic any voice after hearing less than a minute of audio during its annual re:Mars conference today in Las Vegas.

"This required inventions where we had to learn to produce a high-quality voice with less than a minute of recording versus hours of recording in the studio.The way we made it happen is by framing the problem as a voice conversion task and not a speech generation path. We are unquestionably living in the golden era of AI, where our dreams and science fictions are becoming a reality," Amazon's Senior Vice President and Head Scientist for Alexa, Rohit Prasad said.

After learning about this development, several netizens expressed their views. Many said the technology can be used for scams or to create false narratives about people.

"I m so heartbroken, last month I deleted a bunch of voicemails from my phone because it was getting full, and a couple days later my dad died. His girlfriend had videos of him singing and playing guitar, so I have that. But now I'm afraid to delete voicemails ever," a Twitterati wrote.

"Funny thing is, they love introducing all this 'new tech' all cute and sweet and really they using it IN THE BACKGROUND for other devious bull shit," another one wrote.

"This (or similar) tech is already used in (mostly) corporate fraud. In ex someone calls the secretary sounding like its the boss who is calling, asking for an urgent bank transfer from the accountant….. I mean, for this product there must be a serious licence. Sad lobbypower," a netizen commented.

In a demonstration video, a child said, "Alexa, can Grandma finish reading me the Wizard of Oz? However, Amazon did not say when the feature will roll out to the public.

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Samsung Australia fined $14 million over false water-resistance claims

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 10:55 PM PDT

Samsung Australia admitted to misleading buyers of some of its 'Galaxy' phones about the water-resistance level, the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) said. The regulator had first sued the company in July 2019.

Samsung Australia said in a statement that this was not an issue in its newer, current models.

The regulator said between March 2016 and October 2018, the company ran in-store and social media advertisements that claimed the phones could be used in pools or sea water.

The ACCC, however, received hundreds of complaints from users saying the smartphones did not function properly or even stopped working entirely after being exposed to water.

The claims "promoted an important selling point for these Galaxy phones. Many consumers who purchased a Galaxy phone may have been exposed to the misleading ads before they made their decision to purchase a new phone," said ACCC Chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb.

Samsung and the ACCC agreed that changes the company had made to newer models of the smartphones launched in Australia from March 2018 did not face such risks from water exposure, the company said.

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Chow Tai Fook arm in bid for Giordano International

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 10:54 PM PDT

Giordano International Ltd. climbed as much as 23% after an investment vehicle owned by Hong Kong's third-richest person offered to buy the apparel retailer.

Clear Prosper Global Ltd., a BVI vehicle wholly-owned by Chow Tai Fook Nominee Ltd., offered to buy Giordano for HK$1.88 (24 cents) per share, according to a filing late Thursday. That's an 18% premium on its most recent closing price, and shares surged to as much as HK$1.95 on Friday.

The investment vehicle and its related parties already hold a 24.57% stake in Giordano and the maximum cash consideration is HK$2.56 billion, according to the statement.

Chow Tai Fook Nominee is a private vehicle owned by the Cheng family, whose patriarch, Henry Cheng, is Hong Kong's third-richest person with a fortune of $22.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The family's sprawling investment empire includes one of the world's biggest jewelry chains, as well as real estate, infrastructure and hotels.

Established in 1981, Giordano has around 2,100 shops in more than 30 countries and regions, according to its website. The acquisition offer will let the group continue its existing principal business, and there are no intended job cuts, according to the statement.

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Woolworths launches rapid delivery app Metro60

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 10:50 PM PDT

Woolworths has launched a new app that promises groceries door-to-door within an hour for a $5 fee in a move that poses a huge challenge for a crop of start-ups that offer a similar service but a boon for consumers who have grown used to speedy deliveries during the pandemic.

The app, Metro60, launched this week in 11 eastern Sydney suburbs, including Bondi, Vaucluse and Rose Bay, to little fanfare. The supermarket giant plans to roll it out in hundreds more neighbourhoods across NSW and other states in coming months as it fights for market share in the $100 billion-a-year sector during an economic downturn.

About 4000 products from fresh produce to cleaning supplies will be available from Woolworths' small format Metro stores via Uber couriers. The first three deliveries are free, with a $5 delivery fee and $20 minimum order thereafter.

Woolworths' chief transformation office, Von Ingram, described Metro60 as a way for customers to quickly get last-minute snacks, ingredients or meals.

"Our busy customers are already familiar with the convenience a Woolworths Metro provides when
they're on the go, and we see Metro60 as an opportunity to offer a new level of ultra convenience and help customers save even more time," Ingram said.

Woolworths' move follows a string of start-ups in Australia that sprung up last year offering supermarket deliveries in 10 or 15 minutes, including Milkrun, Voly and Send.

Send collapsed in May while The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age revealed Voly had cut staff and stores earlier this month amid a technology downturn that has made it harder for start-ups to raise money.

But Woolworths poses an even greater challenge for the two surviving firms. Even compared to Milkrun, which has announced capital raises totalling $86 million, Woolworths is a financial colossus with a market capitalisation of more than $42 billion, an established supply chain and a huge store network across the country.

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