jueves, 23 de junio de 2022

TNI AL Tangkap Kapal Penyelundup Sabu, Nilainya Rp 88 Miliar y 6 noticias más | Youtube Videos

TNI AL Tangkap Kapal Penyelundup Sabu, Nilainya Rp 88 Miliar y 6 noticias más | Youtube Videos

TNI AL Tangkap Kapal Penyelundup Sabu, Nilainya Rp 88 Miliar

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 07:28 AM PDT

Aparat mengamankan narkoba jenis sabu dalam 29 paket.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Personel TNI Angkatan Laut (AL) menangkap kapal jenis sampan kaluk yang menyelundupkan narkoba di Perairan Kuala Bagan, Asahan, Sumatera Utara, Selasa (21/6/2022). Aparat mengamankan narkoba jenis sabu-sabu seberat 29 kilogram.

Sabu tersebut dibungkus dalam 29 paket dengan berat masing-masing 1 kilogram. Selain sabu, petugas juga mengamankan pil ekstasi sebanyak 60 ribu butir dalam 12 bungkus yang masing-masing berisi 5 ribu butir.

"Diperkirakan total barang bukti narkoba tersebut bernilai Rp 88 miliar," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Laut (Kadispenal) Laksamana Pertama TNI Julius Widjojono dalam keterangan tertulis, Kamis (23/6/2022).

Julius menjelaskan, pengungkapan narkoba itu bermula dari adanya informasi intelijen. Dia menyebut, Tim Fleet One Quick Response (F1QR) Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Laut (Lanal) Tanjung Balai Asahan (TBA) pun menindaklanjuti info tersebut dan mengamankan kapal beserta barang bukti.

Tim Lanal Tanjung Balai Asahan pun menangkap dua pelaku penyelundupan berinisial S dan RS. Narkoba tersebut diduga dibawa dari Malaysia menuju Indonesia melalui jalur laut.

Disamping itu, Julius menambahkan, penangkapan kapal penyelundup narkoba ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari penekanan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Yudo Margono kepada seluruh jajaran TNI AL. "Untuk berkomitmen dalam menjaga wilayah perairan Indonesia dan memberantas penyelundupan narkoba serta menyambut Hari Anti Narkoba Internasional," ujarnya.

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Berkas Perkara Indra Kenz Dinyatakan Lengkap

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 05:17 AM PDT

Jaksa meminta Polri segera melimpahkan tersangka dan barang bukti.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Kejaksaan Agung (Kejakgung) menyatakan berkas perkara tersangka penipuan trading binary option pada aplikasi Binomo, Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz lengkap. Jaksa Peneliti dari Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Umum (Jampidum) meminta agar Bareskrim Polri, segera melakukan pelimpahan tanggung jawab tersangka dan barang bukti ke jaksa penuntutan agar dapat diteruskan kasusnya ke pengadilan.

"Berkas perkara atas nama tersangka IK (Indra Kenz) lengkap secara formil dan materil atau dinyatakan P-21," ujar Kepala Pusat Penerangan dan Hukum (Kapuspenkum) Kejakgung, Ketut Sumedana dalam siaran pers yang diterima wartawan di Jakarta, Kamis (23/6/2022).

Ia mengatakan, status P-21 tersebut, setelah tim dari Direktorat Tindak Pidana Terhadap Keamanan Negara, Ketertiban Umum, dan Tindak Pidana Umum Lainnya atau Kamnegtibum TPUL di Jampidum melakukaan telaah. Dari hasil P-21 tersebut, Indra akan dijerat dengan sangkaan Pasal 45 A ayat (1) juncto Pasal 28 ayat (1) Undang-undang (UU) 19/2016 tentang Informasi Transaksi Elektronik (ITE), dan Pasal 45 ayat (2) juncto Pasal 27 ayat (2) UU ITE, serta Pasal 378 KUH Pidana dan Pasal 3 UU 8/2010 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (TPPU).

Dalam kasus ini, Indra Kenz ditetapkan tersangka oleh Direktorat Tindak Pidana Ekonomi dan Khusus (Dir Tipideksus) Bareskrim Polri, terkait dengan penipuan trading option binary pada aplikasi Binomo. Dalam kasus tersebut, ratusan nasabah mengalami kerugian ratusan hingga miliaran rupiah.

Selama penyidikan kasus tersebut, Bareskrim melakukan penahanan terhadap Indra sejak Maret 2022, lalu. Dalam proses penyidikan, tim di Bareskrim juga melakukan sitaan hampir senilai Rp 70 miliar atas barang-barang kepemilikan Indra.

Selain Indra Kenz, Bareskrim juga menetapkan sejumlah kerabat dan keluarga Indra sebagai tersangka. Setelah berkas kasus dinyatakan lengkap atau P-21, tim JPU dari Jampidum akan melakukan penyusunan dakwaan.

"Selanjutnya, JPU meminta kepada penyidik Bareskrim Polri menyerahkan tanggung jawab tersangka an barang bukti kepada penuntut umum, untuk menentukan apakah perkara ini dapat memenuhi syarat dilimpahkan ke pengadilan," kata Ketut.

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Penyidik tak Temukan Bukti Ada Suap-Gratifikasi ke M Lutfi

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 03:10 AM PDT

Dugaan suap yang selama ini mencuat tak memiliki fakta hukumnya.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Kejaksaan Agung (Kejakgung) meyakini sementara ini, tak ada aliran uang suap ataupun bentuk penerimaan gratifikasi kepada eks menteri Perdagangan (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi dalam kasus dugaan korupsi penerbitan Persetujuan Ekspor (PE) minyak mentah kelapa sawit (CPO) di Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag).

Direktur Penyidikan Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Khusus (Jampidsus), Supardi mengatakan, dugaan suap maupun gratifikasi yang selama ini mencuat ke Lutfi, tak ada bukti, maupun fakta hukumnya. "Jadi, sampai saat ini, kita tidak menemukan fakta itu (suap atau gratifikasi ke Lutfi)," ujar Supardi, Kamis (23/6/2022).

Eks Mendag Lutfi diperiksa tim penyidikan Jampidsus pada Rabu (22/6/2022). Lutfi diperiksa sebagai saksi dalam kasus dugaan korupsi PE CPO di Kemendag 2021-2022. Pemeriksaan tersebut, baru dilakukan setelah Lutfi dicopot sebagai menteri oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Selasa (15/6/2022).

Pemeriksaan Lutfi tersebut adalah perdana dilakukan setelah kasus ini naik ke penyidikan sejak April lalu. Supardi mengungkapkan, pemeriksaan terhadap Lutfi berlangsung lama.

Dari catatan waktu, Lutfi diperiksa selama 12 jam. "Ada sekitar 15 pertanyaan dari penyidik, dan juga permintaan klarifikasi, dan penjelasan bukti-bukti keterlibatan tersangka yang sudah ada saat ini," kata Supardi.

Dari rangkaian pertanyaa dari penyidik itu, formalitasnya menyangkut soal prosedur administrasi dan hukum dalam penerbitan PE CPO kepada perusahaan itu. Namun, Supardi mengungkapkan, tim penyidiknya juga menanyakan soal hal-hal yang mencuat di publik, seperti adanya pengiriman kotak kardus berisi uang dan minyak goreng kepada Lutfi dan sejumlah pejabat lain di Kemendag.

Kata Supardi, tim penyidikannya juga menanyakan soal bentuk penerimaan lain kepada Lutfi sebagai Mendag saat itu, atas penerbitan PE CPO tersebut. Dari pemeriksaan terhadap Lutfi kemarin, tim penyidik tak menemukan bukti keterlibatan Lutfi sebagai Mendag saat itu dalam skandal PE CPO tersebut.

"Masalah-masalah seperti itu, kita tanyakan juga. Dan faktanya, setelah pemeriksaan, ada penjelasan dari saksi mantan Mendag (Lutfi), yang itu cukup memadahi untuk dijadikan bukti keterlibatan tersangka yang sudah ada saat ini," kata Supardi.

Selain itu, tim penyidik juga meminta penjelasan dari Lutfi, soal peran lima tersangka yang sudah ditetapkan saat ini. Namun Supardi mengatakan, tak bisa menyampaikan itu ke publik karena bakal ada dalam rencana dakwaan. "Dan dia (Lutfi) sudah membuka semua. Jadi nanti, biar publik bisa mengetahui, akan ada di dakwaan, saat dibuka di pengadilan," kata Supardi.

Dalam penyidikan kasus ini, tim di Jampidsus sudah menetapkan lima orang sebagai tersangka. Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana (IWW), ditetapkan tersangka selaku Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri (Dirjen Perdaglu) di Kemendag yang menerbitan PE CPO. Li Che Wei (LCW), ditetapkan tersangka selaku konsultan dan pemberi rekomendasi dari pihak swasta terkait penerbitan PE CPO tersebut.

Tiga tersangka lainnya adalah bos dan pengelola perusahaan-perusahaan minyak goreng, yaitu Komisaris PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, Master Parulian Tumanggor (MPT); Senior Manager Corporate Affair Permata Hijau Group (PHG), Stanley MA (SMA); dan General Manager di Bagian General Affair pada PT Musim Mas, Pierre Togar Sitanggang (PTS).

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Kecamatan Jagakarsa Sumbang Kasus Covid-19 Tertinggi di Jakarta Selatan

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 01:14 AM PDT

Kasus Covid-19 tertinggi tercatat di Kecamatan Jagakarsa selama dua tahun pandemi.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Kepala Seksi Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit (P2P) Jakarta Selatan, Fitria Ramdhita mengatakan, Kecamatan Jagakarsa sebagai salah satu kecamatan yang memiliki kasus terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 tertinggi di Jakarta Selatan. “Kasus terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 paling banyak terjadi di Kecamatan Jagakarsa selama dua tahun terakhir sejak awal pandemi, yakni 37.093 orang,” kata Fitria, Kamis (23/6/2022).

Data tersebut merupakan kasus sejak awal pandemi hingga 19 Juni 2022, adapun total kasus positif COVID-19 dari 10 kecamatan mencapai sebanyak 256.818 orang. Jika kasus positif terbanyak di Kecamatan Jagakasa, maka kecamatan yang minim kasus positif berada di Mampang Prapatan sebanyak 16.720 orang.

Adapun 10 kecamatan di wilayah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, meliputi Cilandak, Jagakarsa, Kebayoran Baru, Kebayoran Lama, Mampang Prapatan, Pancoran, Pasar Minggu, Pesanggrahan, Setiabudi, dan Tebet. Total terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 dari 10 kecamatan tersebut mencapai 256.818 orang sepanjang awal pandemi hingga per 19 Juni 2022. 

Sementara itu, total kenaikan kasus harian mencapai 158 orang pada 19 Juni 2022. Adapun juga tercatat sejumlah orang yang sembuh dan selesai isolasi mandiri pada hari tersebut.

“Dari 158 kenaikan kasus harian, tercatat 12 orang sembuh dan 79 orang selesai isolasi mandiri pada hari itu,” tuturnya.

sumber : Antara

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7-Eleven Singapore launches beachfront store with Tiger Beer

Posted: 22 Jun 2022 10:30 PM PDT

Singapore's favourite convenience store, 7-Eleven, and the country's favourite, Tiger Beer, have joined forces to unveil the very first beachfront convenience store right on the sands of Palawan Beach Walk, Sentosa! On 25th and 26th June, the first-of-its-kind store will kick off opening celebrations with a variety of promotions and special treats for families enjoying the last weekend of the school holidays and for young adults and tourists who have made hanging out on the beaches of Sentosa their highlight of the week.

Perched right on the sands of the popular Palawan beach, this instagrammable 7-Eleven store can be spotted from afar with its vibrant murals and unique graffiti artwork on its facade. This exciting store offers ice-cold Tiger beer on reverse tap, exclusive Nitro Tea and icy Arctic Coke to help beat the heat, of course, along with 7-Eleven's all-time favourites – Slurpee, Mr. Softee and 7CAFÉ. Guests can enjoy their refreshing drinks, hot snacks and even ready-to-eat meals at the special 7-Eleven x Tiger Beer chillout area on the sands or at their favourite beach spot.

Ice-cold Tiger Beer Quick and Easy

To help people get their drinks fast, 7-Eleven and Tiger Beer will be bringing a special reverse tap bar, which will automatically dispense the right pour of beer in each cup consistently – without needing a bartender. The reverse tap dispenser is fast, convenient and easy, giving you more time to spend soaking up the sun.

Stay cool in the heat with outlet-exclusive Nitro Tea and brain-freezing Coke slushies

7-Eleven's Sentosa Palawan Beach store will also be introducing the new and exclusive Nitro Tea. Choose between a refreshing black tea or a variety of caffeine-free fruit teas to give your taste buds a high-five. Either way, you will experience a rich, dairy-free creamy foam, refreshing and longer-lasting flavour, and sweetness without the added calories – thanks to the nitrogen infusion that gives beverages a sweet taste without added sweeteners.

7-Eleven will also be bringing the unique Arctic Coke machine to Palawan Beach! Simply choose your bottle of Coca-Cola, put it into the machine and press a button – in no time, you will have an icy cold Coke slushie to give you a brain freeze that will refresh your mind for the week ahead.

Carefree snacking with grab-and-go hot bites and Ready-to-Eat meals by the beach

Beachgoers who feel peckish after sun and surf will also be able to get delicious warm pastries and finger food from the hot food counter. Savoury hot food items include fried chicken selections from super crispy chicken to savoury chicken drumsticks and wings, while those who long for buttery pastries can expect offerings such as Butter Croissant, Cocoa Hazelnut Croissant, Pain Au Raisin, Tomato Cheese Tart, Mini doughnuts, Pure Butter Madeleine and Citrus Madeleine. Ready-to-Eat meals will also be available for those who need more filling up, an affordable alternative to the pricier options in the area.

Mark your calendars and celebrate the opening with us on 25 and 26 June!

Savour the last weekend of the June school holidays with an unforgettable carnival-inspired blast on the beach with family and friends at the 7-Eleven's Sentosa Palawan Beach store on 25 and 26 June 2022 from 10am onwards.

Customers can enjoy free popcorn, 7-Eleven balloons, face painting activities, Häagen-Dazs or Walls ice cream (first 200 customers, with any purchase), Mr. Softee (100 cups a day), chances to walk away with exciting Spin and Win rewards (with a minimum spend of $7, list of prizes in table below*), and last but not least, live music performed by local singer-busker Jeff Ng, who recently made headlines for his popular weekly busking at The Cathay!

Customers can also look forward to the following deals:

Promotion Promotional period Details
Spin and Win prizes* (with a minimum spend of $7) 25 and 26 June 2022 ● Sentosa premium merchandise such as luggage tags and tote bags

● $5 Dairy Farm vouchers

● $10 Dairy Farm vouchers

● Jinro Hite Tonic Water 250ml FOC

● Vaseline HB SPF 24 Sun + Pol E 100ml

● Asian Delight Sea Coconut

● Lays Max BBQ potato chips 73g

● Authentic Tea House Ceylon Tea 500ml

● Seaweed Wasabi Cashew Mix Macadamia 35g

Slurpee and Nitro Tea 25 June – 3 July 2022 ● Slurpee Large 16oz at promo price $1.50 (normal RSP $1.80) 25 and 26 June

● Nitro Tea BOGO – applicable for both flavours

Tiger Beer 25 June – 22 July 2022 ● Buy 5 reverse tap cups of beer at a go and get 1 free Tiger Crystal 49cl can

● While stocks last

Tiger Beer gift with purchase 23 July – 19 August 2022 ● Buy 3 reverse tap cups of beer and get 1 free Elegante glass*

● Buy 6 reverse tap cups of beer and get 1 free Elegante glass and 1 slipper-shaped floatie* [1m (W) x 1.5m (H)]

*Limited quantity of 200 each

More promotions and updates can also be found on the official 7-Eleven Singapore Facebook and 7-Eleven Singapore Instagram pages.

"7-Eleven is reimagining convenience at the beach with our first beachfront store at Sentosa, in collaboration with Singapore's iconic brand Tiger Beer. From the Arctic Coke machine to the exclusive Nitro Tea, and Reverse Tap beer and the Tiger Beer chill out zone, our new store offers a lot of exciting things for beach loving families, young adults and tourists, and we look forward to welcoming them! We hope that customers will be able to enjoy our new concept store with its unique design and special murals," said Mr. Steven Lye, Managing Director of 7-Eleven Singapore.

"This is a great collaboration with 7-Eleven where we pushed the boundaries and found innovative ways to uncage the ultimate refreshment for our consumers. Tiger has a special bond with beer-lovers, and we believe that the beachfront store at Sentosa Palawan Beach would energise the experience by bringing consumers the smoothest beer and greatest vibes," said Yogender Sharma, Marketing Manager of Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore.

"We are delighted to be home to Singapore's first-ever 7-Eleven store by the beach. This new store concept is an example of the novel and imaginative experience that we are curating for our guests on our beach. Apart from providing the convenience of getting beach essentials, the store is also a unique beachfront bistro where guests can pick up a quick and affordable meal. We welcome this partnership with 7-Eleven in enhancing our guests' experience as they enjoy their day on Sentosa, " said Mr Chew Tiong Heng, Divisional Director (Business and Experience Development), Sentosa Development Corporation.

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Vietnam cannot bank solely on renewable energy for net-zero emissions

Posted: 22 Jun 2022 10:28 PM PDT

Experts say an exclusive focus on renewable energy, accounting for 27 percent of total power supply, will not be enough to help Vietnam reach its "net-zero" emissions target by 2050.

Wind and solar power are not the sources of energy that will help Vietnam ensure national security, says Sean Lawlor, an energy expert at the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam.

To achieve the net-zero target, which means to have the amount of carbon added to the atmosphere not exceed the amount removed, Vietnam needs to speed up its energy transition process, which began in 2019, he said.

This means the country needs to transition from coal-fired power sources to liquefied natural gas, biomass, ammoniac or hydrogen power sources, he added.

As of last year, wind and solar power accounted for nearly 27 percent of Vietnam's total energy supply, and their production was nearly 12.3 percent of the total, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

In the first six months of this year, the production ratio increased to 14.8 percent.

While there is agreement that transitioning to cleaner energy is needed, there are hurdles in this path, officials say.

Nguyen Ngoc Hung, head of the energy economics department under the industry ministry's Institute of Energy, said Vietnam has great potential for transitioning from traditional energy sources because there is a variety of renewable energy sources on hand.

However, the country lacks an efficient legal framework to boost the transitioning process and localization of energy technology is low, he said, adding that competition in the market was still at an early stage and lacked synchronization.

Hung said Vietnam badly needs the energy transition as the country faces the major challenges of declining traditional sources like coal and hydropower, but it was not easy to raise the funds needed.

Nguyen Tai Anh, deputy director of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) said he was concerned about the very high costs of transitioning to newer technologies like biomass, ammoniac or hydrogen power.

"There are also many policy challenges for a successful energy transitioning, but cost remains the most important factor."

Deepak Maloo, Asia Pacific regional head with GE Renewable Energy, said every country struggles with the cost of transitioning to cleaner energy.

But technology can help solve the problem, he added.

For instance, Vietnam can partner with companies that have hundreds of years of experience in transitioning from coal-fired power plants to gas-fired ones, he said.

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Yamaha Motor Establishes $100 Million Sustainability Investment Fund

Posted: 22 Jun 2022 10:26 PM PDT

Japanese motorcycle giant Yamaha Motor Co Ltd has announced that it has established the Yamaha Motor Sustainability Fund, that will look to invest in companies working to address problems with the environment. The aim of the Sustainability Fund is to combine carbon offsetting with an actual reduction in the carbon footprint of Yamaha's existing businesses. In total, the Fund has $100 million of investment value, and will be run for a period of 15 years, a statement from the company announced.

Yamaha Motor's corporate mission is to "offer new excitement and a more fulfilling life for people all over the world," and eco-focused initiatives are among the most important themes for achieving this mission. "Through this fund, Yamaha Motor intends to foster collaborative relationships with the numerous companies striving to solve environmental issues and to contribute as a like-minded partner toward creating a better world while mutually enhancing each company's own pursuits," a company statement said.

Yamaha Motor has made strengthening its efforts for sustainability a central theme in addition to the growth strategies and reinforcement of management foundations that the Company has pushed to date. The Company is exploring new technologies and business models that contribute to sustainability in order to accelerate the carbon offsetting efforts necessary to achieve its carbon neutrality goals.

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